Food Grade bags are specially produced for sensitive products that have direct contact with food. We know the importance and high demands of these products. So, we know our job and responsibilities and produce and supply best quality of Big Bags for food industry.
We produce and supply Food Grade Big Bags in special clean room. We make air wash, light table control, metal detection for each Big Bag at final cleaning and control process.
- Ultrasonic cutting
- Unbreakable glass and lamps
- Needles and metallic items are used under control
- Pest control
- Floor has impact resistant property
- Vacuum (air wash) cleaning
- Light table control
- Metal detector control
- ISO22000 warranted production
Our food grade production area has an objective to answer expectations and operates according to food safety principles. Thus, we offer our customers safe products with constant quality. Also, we produce according to international food regulations with international certificates. So, our products prevent undesired foreign substance risk and assure protection against external factors and odors.